
Color Analysis

This process determines the colors that best suit you based on your natural colorings: skin tone, eye color and hair color. It is used to help you with wardrobe planning choices.

Color is the first thing you notice about a person, and as a first impression the impact of your color choice can be extremely powerful, as well as lasting. You’ll be amazed to realize how your appearance can be improved just by wearing the colors that suit you most. We call these colors your "WOW" colors.

Colors can have an effect on our mood as well as the mood of the person we're interacting with; colors can create a desired body shape and age perception, and they can reflect how healthy and energetic we look. Wearing unflattering colors can make you look older, ill, exhausted or dull. Choosing your right colors will make you look radiant, healthier, younger, and more attractive. Knowing your "wow" colors and using them in your personal and professional attire will make you stand out in a crowd; it will boost your confidence, and empower your image.

     In a two and a half hour consultation you will be introduced to the palette of colors that best suit you, and you will understand how to use colors to create a lasting impression! You will receive a personal color swatch, which you can take with you whenever you go shopping for clothes, and which will make sure you always pick those colors that flatter you. 

Bring with you 2-3 sets of attire to implement what you have learned, and discover how to get more out of your existing wardrobe. 

Up to 2 1/2 hour Color Analysis Consultation $250

Add a Style Consultation to your Color Analysis 
for the total SPECIAL PRICE of $400 (4 hours)

Book this now

Styling consultation

If you're not sure how to express yourself in the clothes you're wearing, and if you want to create your own unique style, this service is for you!

This consultation will help you develop your personal style. Personal Style is your personality expression; it is what makes you stand out in a crowd - for better or worse. Identifying your style, and implementing it on various occasions, will boost your confidence and add to your personal power.

Find out how to express your personality through clothes and how to use your wardrobe to show you at your best (while keeping your authentic self). Discover and take advantage of your best resources! Revamp your style!

In a two and a half hour consultation you will become familiar with the different styles, find out which style best expresses you, and discover how to incorporate your style into most situations. You will also understand in this process how messages sent through your clothes influence your communication with others, and how they can lead to your personal achievements.

 Show your style - in style!

Up to 2 1/2 hour Style Consultation $250

Add a Color Consultation to your Style Analysis 
for the total SPECIAL PRICE of $400 (4 hours)

Wardrobe audit and edit

This consultation is very important since it guides you on how to use your EXISTING wardrobe to your advantage, and what items to invest in to keep your look current. I will help you construct an effective wardrobe that will address most of your dressing needs.

You don't need a lot of clothes to dress well; you just need to know how to put them together. With some training you will understand how to plan your wardrobe, and how to combine pieces to create versatile, exciting and stylish outfits.

In this 3 hour consultation we will analyze your lifestyle, and I will provide you with a plan for a basic, useful wardrobe, based on your needs. You will learn all the options that are hidden in your closet (even if it's very basic), how to create many outfits from few clothes, and how to use them in all kinds of occasions.

Up to 3 hour Wardrobe Audit and Edit session $300 at the client's place
(each additional 1/2 hour $75)
Add Style Assessment to your Wardrobe Audit and Edit
for the total SPECIAL PRICE of $400 (4 hours)

Closet Organization

One-on-one session to help you determine, once and for all, what to keep in your closet, what to get rid of, and what to add to it. Plus get great tips to organize it effectively. After I leave, you will have a neatly organized closet, and lots of "new" outfits to wear!

Often the smallest closets need the most help. When space is limited, getting organized becomes crucial. You will be surprised how much more room you get once your closet is more organized, and how an expert eye cast over each item in your wardrobe (including accessories and shoes), can turn what you might consider waste, into treasure. I will show you how to maximize your existing wardrobe, and create many new options to dress well! Knowing what you have to work with is the first step to putting together a wardrobe that works.

Up to 3 hour Closet Organization session $300 at the client's place
(each additional 1/2 hour - $75)
BEST DEAL: Add Wardrobe Audit and Edit for the total special price of $500 (5 hours). You save $100 and you get a total wardrobe update and your closet reorganized!

Personal Shopping

Discover the secrets of controlled shopping, saving time and money. Learn what to try on, and what to leave on the hanger, while enjoying the process of experimenting and implementing.

Whether you need one time help with an extraordinary outfit for a special event, or a few get-togethers searching for a seasonal wardrobe update or a total wardrobe refresh, I am here to share with you my Image Consulting training and experience, as well as my fashion know-how and styling sense. I will help you find the best buys that will be both flattering and well priced. I will help you find clothes' combinations, and accessories, that will emphasize your unique look. I will teach you how to buy perfect every time you go shopping.

Every consultation, lasting around 2 hours, will be tailored to your individual needs.

2 hour Personal Shopping session at the store $200
(Each additional 1/2 hour $75)

Styling for special occasions on Skype  

You have a special occasion coming up, and you want to look amazing at this event, but you can't find anything to wear in your closet... --  a very common situation for many women. 

Get quick advice that will assess the type of event you plan to attend, and help you choose  from your existing wardrobe the perfect outfit for the occasion, and accessorize it perfectly,  so you look your greatest at your special event!

1 hour Special Occasion Styling $100

Anything else you need help with?
If you prefer a general consultation to help you determine where to start, this one-hour session is the right next step for you. You will get the most pertinent information on ways to improve your image, as well as suggestions on how to continue on the path of personal image improvement. 

1 hour General Consultation $100, on Skype only!

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